Data Sensemaking Practices in the Megadrought Data Puzzle lesson

March 10, 2025


Calling all middle school science teachers! Complete this application to participate in our first-ever pilot webinar series focused on specific data sense-making practices in the context of the Megadrought in the Colorado River Basin Data Puzzle lesson! Participants will engage with the Zoom In strategy in the context of long-term temperature and precipitation datasets to explore how changing conditions are altering the availability of freshwater in the Colorado River Basin. 

This 2-part virtual pilot series will meet:

  • Tuesday, March 18th from 4:00 - 5:00 pm MT
  • Thursday, April 24th from 4:00 - 5:00 pm MT

Inclusion criteria: You are eligible to participate if you are a 1) middle school science teacher, 2) can commit to attending both webinar events, and 3) willing to try out the Zoom In strategy with you students. 

You will be compensated $75 for attending this webinar series and completing the survey as part of the research activities. 

If you have any questions please reach out to the lead developer of the Data Puzzles, Jonathan Griffith:, or the lead for the research study, Kerri Wingert

This study, “Data Puzzles: Collaborative Research” is being conducted at CU Boulder under IRB #24-0415. 

Please provide the following so we can understand and recruit a pool of teachers. You may pass this form on to other teachers you think might be interested.